Our newest program has been developed in response to client inquiries. Essentially, it responds to the questions How are we doing?
and How can we do better?
To answer these questions, Create Auction has developed a structured program that capitalizes on our in-depth knowledge of collectibles and our decades long experience working with collectible auctions.
R&A stands for Research & Analysis. It is the work we do to provide the answers that will make our clients online experience more successful. Research is seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought.
These words from the Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi wisely convey both the importance and the proper role of research in any process.
Using both quantitative and qualitative approaches, we examine everything relevant that contributes to online auction success. Factors such as frequency of auctions, positioning of lots, marketing and promotion, aesthetics, ending protocol, etc. are scrutinized.
The result is an analytical report. It shares our observations, insights and recommendations. It identifies the approaches that we believe offer the greatest opportunities to leverage your firm's assets and achieve ambitious and more productive auction goals.